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Artle is an art-based game that has just been released. Artle brings players a new game every day. It was created to be a fun way for art lovers to explore NGA's vast collection. Wordle has certainly gotten the attention of a lot of gamers around the world, but Artle can bring a lot of fun to art lovers and creative gamers.

How to play?

The game is similar to Wordle in that each day, users will see a set of four new works of art from the museum's collection and have four chances to guess who created them. The first image that appears is usually a lesser-known work or the first one, and if you guess wrong, it moves on to the next, slightly more famous work, and so on, for a total of four guesses. After four guesses, if the player is still wrong, the artist's name will be displayed.

Try the best Words Game: Letreco.

Category and Tags

Wordle Gameslogic gamespuzzle games