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Cloudle is a Worlde-inspired free game. In lieu of your vocabulary, you shall employ your meterology. You must predict the five-day weather for a random city in Cloudle. You are presented with nine distinct weather conditions and six estimates per day. Understanding this is not a prerequisite for becoming a meteorologist, but it certainly is helpful.

How to play the Cloudle game?

You will predict the five-day weather forecast of a random city in Cloudle as opposed to a hidden word consisting of five letters. A daily weather forecast for a different city is published. The state of the sky is represented by icons. Mist, clear, thunderstorm, overcast, precipitation, rain, snow, scattered clouds, and cloudy are some of these conditions. Upon entering their predictions, participants are awarded green tiles if they correctly identify the location and icon. They receive yellow tiles if the correct insignia is placed in the incorrect location. A gray icon indicates that it is absent from the puzzle for that particular day. Six opportunities will be presented to participants in order to accurately predict the outcome.

The location of the city provides sufficient information to formulate an educated estimate. For instance, in the case of Seattle, Washington, or Copenhagen, one could label precipitation with approximately 50% accuracy. However, in the case of Las Vegas, Nevada, or Perth, one should refrain from marking snow. It would be fantastic if your city appeared in a conundrum. It is important to bear in mind that Cloudle's plans are subject to change throughout the year due to global weather variations.

If you are the type of meteorologist who thrives on a challenge, Cloudle is an ideal platform for you. Have pleasure!

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