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Hurdle is a word puzzle game with similar rules to Wordle. To win, however, you must complete 5 rounds with 5 distinct hidden words.

How to play?

The daily puzzle known as Hurdle tasks you with discovering a coded word that has five letters. You will have six opportunities to guess for each of the first four riddles. If a letter is colored green, it indicates that it is located in the correct position. If the letter is colored yellow, it indicates that it is not located in the correct position. If the letter is colored gray, it indicates that it does not appear anywhere in the word. The solution to one puzzle will serve as the basis for your first guess in the subsequent puzzle in the series. In the last puzzle, your first four guesses will be comprised of the four words that came before them. You have only two opportunities to correctly guess the final word in order to finish the puzzle.

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Wordle Gameswordle onlineHurdle online