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Pictle is an excellent Wordle companion game. Using Wordle's rules, you must construct a picture based on a Wordle puzzle from 7 days prior.
Wordle's sibling game, Pictle, is a very difficult puzzle game. It requires you to build certain pixel art patterns using Wordle rules and make intelligent predictions, and it is based on a Wordle puzzle that was released seven days before. Firebase is a platform for developing open-source software.

How to play?

  • In the game, the player sees an image and has six guesses to determine the five-letter word associated with it.
  • As an extra touch, only a little section of the image is displayed at first, usually only one color. With each succeeding guess, the image zooms out somewhat, allowing the player to see more clearly.

Try the best Wordle Games: Word Rumble.

Category and Tags

Wordle Gamespuzzle gamelogic game