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Squardle is a fun online puzzle game that is accessible only once per day and can only be played once. You will need to complete a square and the difficulty level will be a lot higher than from the beginning. During the time allowed, the player will have ten chances to guess the correct answer. So, if you want to win, you need to find the mysterious term as quickly as possible.

How to play?

Players need to type a five-letter English word and then press the enter key before joining Squardle. If you are playing on a computer, you have the option of using a virtual keyboard or a real keyboard. Your imported tasks will appear in rows and columns as they are displayed. A hint will be given for each completed square. The suggestions are presented as squares. See below to learn what each phrase means. To start, you have ten chances to guess. If you solve all the squares for the first five words, you'll get an extra guess for each of those words. If you can find all six words, you win the game!

Category and Tags

Wordle Gameslogicwordsmultiple games