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Word500 is a difficult word puzzle game with hints that tell you how many letters are correct, but not which ones. It works like Wordle in that it shows good, bad, and misplaced letters in sentences.

How to play?

Find the secret word in less than or equal to eight attempts. The green, yellow, and red squares to the right of each guess will indicate how close you are to correctly guessing the secret word.

Word500 offers three distinct difficulty levels and is available in eight different languages. Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Portugal, Catalonia, England, France, and Spain all speak it. The standard level (green smiley face) prohibits the secret word from using letters more than once, such as ORDER, and it also omits some letters.

Each language and difficulty level will receive a new secret word every day. Each player has six chances to guess the correct word. This means that you can use your first five guesses to determine the letters in the word and their positions. I hope you like it!

Try the best games: Wizarding Wordle.

Category and Tags

Wordle Gamespuzzle gamelogic game